Sunday, September 15, 2013

Flights of the Mind-reading

Leonardo da Vinci: Flights of the Mind
Part 3: Independence p. 131-161 (1477-1480)

          This 30-page section discusses the very early career of Leonardo, and begins by touching briefly upon Leonardo’s apprentice Paulo, and the influence of Benois’ Madonna and drawings. A description of the Medici assassination/attempted coup de tat backed by Pope Sixtus IV, the “April plot", resulting in castrated/hanged conspirators, namely Bandino: background for the famed “Hanged Man” drawing. “Zoroastro”, Tommaso Macini, a man of “magic and alchemy”, a decades-long associate of Leonardo is discussed. Z undertook multiple roles under Leonardo, including workshop employee. Leonardo’s early interest in the manipulation of natural resources is discussed, and some engineering designs for lifting weights, and channeling water (“liquid drill”/screw) are discussed. Particularly interesting is his “screw device for opening a prison”. Leonardo’s interest in poetry is illuminated: a Frederico da Montefeltro poem appears alongside artillery drawings by Leonardo (though he did not write poetry himself). Leonardo’s interest in music is discussed, namely his skill with the lyre, an early version of the violin. Leonardo constructed a silver, horse-skull lyre, and likely played “light, amorous, chordal music… typified by the Medici Carnival-song.”, perhaps not unlike ?

Leonardo's long assoc. w/ Macini, and thoughts of jail-breaking point to a subversive character...?


  1. You seem to have touched on Leonardo's vast interests and variety of projects. Were there any areas he was particularly interested in, or did everything interest him?
